Tractive force of the development of national industry

October 7, 2024

The 18th national festival of machine designs took place at the Sci-Tech Complex in Pyongyang between September 24 and 30 under the sponsorship of the General Bureau of the State Industrial Designs. 

On display at the festival, which was held on the theme of “Tractive force of the development of national industry”, were machine and production process designs, machinery and equipment and products which are of great realistic significance in the development of the national industry and economy in the period of the five-year plan. 

“A multi-dimensional design competition, design prize contest and the diffusion and exchange of advanced designing technology were conducted in the festival, which brought together more than 620 pieces of research findings conducive to the development of regional industry and the improvement of the people’s livelihood,” said Kim Chol Jun, senior staffer at the General Bureau of the State Industrial Designs. 

Machine designs and their products presented by the controlled machine research institute and the power-driven machine research institute of the State Academy of Sciences attracted attention of many people. The controlled machine research institute presented the automatic measurement monitoring system for poultry, which put breeding and management on a scientific basis by automatically monitoring the ecological information of domestic fowl in real-time in the whole growth period and helps improve the productivity of poultry and save much labour.

The moulding design information management system developed by the institute realized the digitization of moulding part processing information by developing the technical information management system, which manages in a unified way design information, process information, manufacturing information and others of moulding parts which are used in different manufacturing processes. It serves as the basis for the computer integrated production system in the machine-building sector based on product data management.

The one-person snowplough exhibited by the Power-driven Machine Research Institute won popularity as it is original in conception. The profitable machine is to remove snow on roads and other plain areas. Its structure was optimized and a reasonable manufacturing process established. One machine can do the work of ten persons.

A gas plasma air disinfector brought out by the Nano Science and Technology Institute of Kim Chaek University of Technology drew the attention of visitors. It has made it possible to lower the manufacturing cost, curb the infection by and spread of infectious diseases through air and provide clean internal environment.

The variable sweep vertical axis wind turbine exhibited by Kim Il Sung University was popular among experts. The turbine, which increases further the efficiency of wind turbine by continuously regulating the installing angle of the wind turbine blade according to the revolving direction, is easy to manufacture and can generate electricity even in low wind speed.

Besides, an 80hp snow-ploughing tractor, a new type of sloping land tractor, coated seed dryer, wheat and barley sowing machine and medical check-up vehicle attracted the attention of visitors as they have great practicality.


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